Architect’s Challenge’s Rules

  1. Time and Place

1.1. The deadline for handing in the finished project is on the 12th of April 2018 at 23:59 GMT+2.

1.2. The finished designs have to be presented digitally in A3 format as a PDF file sent to the following e-mail: .

1.3. Designs chosen by the jury will be presented to the public on the 19th of April 2018 at 11:30 until 13:15 GMT+2.

1.4. The chosen designs will be presented in the Student’s House of the Tallinn University of Technology (Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn, Estonia).

  1. Goals of the Competition

2.1. To popularize the profession of being an architect.

2.2. To offer students and engineers in the field of construction engineering and architecture a challenge to employ their knowledge and through it enrich their work and studies.

2.3. To offer up a new approach for an architectural design competition.

2.4. Encourage innovation in construction and design.

  1. The Task

3.1. Design a 20m2  or 60m2 modular building that could be built in a factory.

3.2. The building’s functionality should be one of the following: summer home, home office, studio or multipurpose living quarters.

3.3. Describe how the designed modules could be combined and joined.

3.4. Participants have the chance to receive consultations regarding the task by arranging a meeting via e-mail: .

  1. Requirements

4.1. The finished project must be presented as a conceptual design in a form suitable for being reproduced and presented in writing.

4.2. Bonus points will be added on account for added descriptions of architectural and engineering solutions.

4.3. Materials used in the project must be elaborated. For example: wooden framework, concrete modules, glass flooring and everything else used in the project.

4.4. The finished project must include the building’s measurements, function, 3D visual representations of the design and the architectural concept.

  1. Participants

5.1. Teams can be comprised of up to 3 people.

5.2. Participation is free.

5.3. There is no set age limit.

5.4. Participants are advised to have an open mind, a good fantasy and an innovative approach when creating the design solution.

5.5 Participation is voluntary and at the participant’s own risk.

5.6. The following people are not allowed to participate:

5.6.1. Members of the jury and their family.

5.6.2. People who are tied to the preparations and seeing the competition through and therefore could hold influence over the decisions made during the competition.

  1. Registration

6.1. The registration can be found on BuildIT 2018’s homepage and is open until the 22nd of March 2018.

6.2. By signing up, all participants voluntarily give their consent for the use of all information gathered during the event including pictures and videos made of the participants for marketing purposes by BuildIT and Architect11.

6.3. By signing up, all participants agree to abide by the terms of this standard including the terms set for the copyright of the presented intellectual property.

  1. Judging

7.1. The jury will pick 3 to 5 projects to be presented considering the task’s set criteria, the proposed design and the solutions’ innovative approach.

7.2. The top three will be chosen taking into account both the design and the presentation.

7.2.1. Every team has 15 minutes to present their concept.

7.2.2. Teams are allowed to use different means to help illustrate and visualize their design concept (i.e. a model, drawings, blueprints, a presentation, etc).

  1. Awards

8.3. 1st to 3rd place recipients will be rewarded.

8.3.1. 1st place team will receive300€

8.3.2. 2nd place team will receive 200€

8.3.3. 3rd place team will receive 100€

8.4. An additional reward will be given out by Passion Design Houses.

8.5. Hosts will reserve the right to change the amount of designs invited to the presentation as well as give out additional rewards.

  1. Copyright

9.1. By submitting a design, the participants confirm that they own the copyright to their presented design.

9.2. Designs chosen and/or rewarded by the jury can be used by Architect11 for business purposes with the written consent of the author(s)..

  1. The Hosts

10.1. Patron of the Architect’s Challenge: Architect11

10.2. Hosting the event: Student Council of the Faculty of Engineering at Tallinn University of Technology, Architect11, The Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Tallinn University of Technology.

10.3. The jury: Illimar Truverk, Janar Toomesso, Sander Aas, Priit Vahe.

10.4 The lead-referee: Elina Jõpiselg.

*The hosts reserve the right to make changes in the competition rules should there be a need to.